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UConn Statistics Summer Academy Sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim
– Prof. Yuping Zhang has received a three-year award (08/2023 – 07/2023) from the National Science Foundation(NSF).
– Prof. Ofer Harel has been selected as a 2023 Presidential M1 Mentorship Awardee from the CCI.
– Professor Xiaojing Wang’s Research Excellence Program (REP) proposal has been selected for funding.
– Professor Dipak Dey has been selected to be a recipient of the 2023 IISA(International Indian Statistical Association) Service Award.
– UConn Statistics program is ranked in the top 20 colleges for Statistics Degrees and is featured on the 2023 Best Colleges list!
– Professor Ming-Hui Chen received 2023 International Chinese Statisticians Association (ICSA) Distinguished Achievement Award.
– Aritra Halder has received IMS Hannan Graduate Student Travel Award.
– Jackson Lautier has received a 2023 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRFP).
Welcome to the Department of Statistics at the University of Connecticut!
The Department of Statistics at the University of Connecticut was founded in 1962. As one of the major statistics departments in New England, it provides outstanding preparation for careers in academia, industry, or government. With a core faculty of 23 professors whose teaching and research interests span virtually all major statistical specializations, our department has received national and international recognition in graduate education and research. Graduates from UConn have found excellent positions in academics, government, and industry. We maintain close relationships with area companies and institutions, and our department is an active member of the American Statistical Association Connecticut chapter.
We are excited to announce the Paper of the Month:
Once a month during the academic year our faculty will select a paper which we encourage our students to read and discuss. Papers featured in this section should be generally understood by graduate students, and will be selected either because of their impact, or historical value, or because they contain a useful (perhaps overlooked) techniques or results.
May 2023
" A case-cohort design for epidemiologic cohort studies and disease prevention trials" Prentice, R. L. (1986).
Coronavirus status update – Department of statistics, UConn